No Module Named ‘noxconfig’

The error, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'noxconfig', often appears on systems such as Fedora, where the current path may not be included in the PYTHONPATH. This issue is elaborated upon at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/PythonSafePath. Accordingly, it may be necessary to correctly set the PYTHONPATH before initiating nox, as our nox tasks anticipate the noxconfig module to be located within the python path.

There are several methods to configure your shell:

  1. For a one-time setup: PYTHONPATH=`pwd` nox -s task

  2. For a general setup: export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

  3. Alternatively, tools like direnv can be used.

Duplicated label error when building documentation

Similar error to Warning, treated as error: integration-test-docker-environment/doc/changes/changes_0.10.0.md:5:duplicate label summary, other instance in integration-test-docker-environment/doc/changes/changes_0.1.0.md', might be caused by sphinx extension sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel. Try to remove this extension in doc/conf.py.

Warning while building multiversion documentation

When running nox -s docs:multiversion, I receive the following warnings during the build:

WARNING: unknown config value 'smv_metadata_path' in override, ignoring
WARNING: unknown config value 'smv_current_version' in override, ignoring

If you receive the warnings above, it is very likely that the multiversion extension is not configured in your Sphinx configuration (conf.py). Try adding it to your configuration and rerun the build.

extensions = [

Missing Version Selection Box in Multiversion Documentation

I have run nox -s docs:multiversion, but I still do not see any version selection box in the upper right corner before the GitHub symbol.

This is likely due to Warning while building multiversion documentation

Limited Previous Versions in Multiversion Documentation

If not all previous versions of the project are available via the version selection box of the multiversion documentation, it is likely due to the fact that the unavailable documentation for those versions was not in a compatible format (there hasn’t been a compatible setup of a Sphinx-based documentation).

Format Still Fails After Running project:fix

If running the following sequence of commands results in project:format failing with an error during the execution of isort:

  1. Run project:fix

  2. Run project:format

It is very likely that you did not configure isort and/or black appropriately in your pyproject.toml file.

Ensure isort is configured with compatibility for black:

profile = "black"
force_grid_wrap = 2

Additionally, your black configuration should look similar to this:

line-length = 88
verbose = false
include = "\\.pyi?$"