BucketFs Utils Python 0.3.0, released 2022-07-20¶
Code name: Added method to BucketFSLocation to generate bucket udf path and upgraded Python version to >=3.8.
This release adds generate_bucket_udf_path method in BucketFSLoction. In addition, bugs in the listing and uploading methods are fixed. Furthermore, Python version is upgraded to >=3.8
Features / Enhancements¶
#72: Added generate bucket udf path method to BucketFSLocation
Bug Fixes¶
#63: Corrected uploading fileobject method of the mock bucketfs
#66: Corrected listing method of localfs mock bucketfs
#74: Fixed generating bucket udf path method
#53: Upgraded Python version to >=3.8, removed numpy from source again
#38: Replaced old bash scripts for building documentation with Sphinx_Github-Pages-generator, migrated to Nox
#68: Fix installation instructions in README