User Guide#

This user guide provides you with usage examples for this repository. For a detailed explanation of the API, please refer to our API Documentation

Building the Documentation#

We are using Sphinx for generating the documentation, because it is the default documentation tool for Python projects. Sphinx supports API documentation generation for Python and with plugins also for other languages. Furthermore, it supports reStructuredText with proper cross-document references.

Needed Repository structure#

This Project uses Sphinx for the generation of the documentation. Therefore, all files you want to use as a source for your documentation have to be compatible with Sphinx. You can find Sphinx’s documentation here.

In general:

You will need a base directory for your documentation source files. We use “repository_root/doc”, but you can set it to another folder (Please set the source_dir parameter accordingly. It defaults to /doc/). Inside the documentation root directory, you need at least a minimal “” to configure Sphinx and a “index.rst” for Sphinx to use as a root for your documentation. You can use sphinx-quickstart to generate stubs for these. Inside the index.rst you can link to other parts of your documentation using the toctree directive.

You can also include plain text, or documentation for specific functions or objects by using the autosummary, automodule, autoclass and autoexception directives, which will import the docstring for the given objects automatically. Here is the code from te index.rst of this project, which generates the documentation if the api:

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: ../api


To see the generated pages see API Reference.

Testing the documentation build with Sphinx locally#

You can use the Sphinx commands for building your documentation like normal to build your documentation locally. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

When called from your “./doc” directory, the commands below will build you html files and put them in the “./doc/.build” directory:

sphinx-apidoc -T -e -o api ../<your-module-name>
sphinx-build -b html -W . .build

We also provide shortcuts for this as nox tasks in the

nox -s build-docs    # Builds the documentation
nox -s open-docs     # Opens the currently build documentation in the browser
nox -s clean-docs    # Clean existing docs artefacts

You can use similar shorthands in your project, just adjust the module path.

Call the Sphinx generator#

Once Sphinx generator is installed in your environment, you can use the “sgpg” command to run it. Use “sgpg –help” for an overview over parameters.

You can also import and use it in a python script like this:

import exasol_sphinx_github_pages_generator.cli as cli
from click.testing import CliRunner
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    CliRunner().invoke(cli.main, sys.argv[1:])

Then call the script using command line parameters like this:

declare -a StringArray=("../package/module-path1" "../package/module-path2")
python3 \
    --target-branch "github-pages/main" \
    --push-origin "origin" \
    --push \
    --source-branch "main"  \
    --module-path "${StringArray[@]}" \
    --source-dir "/doc/"

Alternatively you can also pass the parameters directly in the python script:

deployer = GithubPagesDeployer(Path("doc/"), source_branch, "origin", current_commit_id.stdout[:-1], ["../test_package"],
                                   target_branch, "origin", True,

deploy_github_pages.deploy_github_pages(["--target-branch", "target_branch",
                                         "--push-origin", "origin",
                                         "--push-enabled", "True"
                                         "--source-branch", "source_branch",
                                         "--source-dir", "/doc/",
                                         "--module-path", "../package/module-path1", "../package/module-path2"])

The generator has to be called from the working directory containing the index.rst file.


Calling the module with “–help” will print the help page for the generator.

sgpg --help
Options for sgpg:
--target-branch TEXT

Branch to push to

--push-origin TEXT

Where to push from


Commit and push the documentation.


Only commit the documentation.

--source-branch TEXT

The branch you want to generate documentation from. If empty, defaults to current branch. Can also be a GitHub tag

--source-origin TEXT

Origin of source_branch. Set to ‘tags’ if your source_branch is a tag

--source-dir PATH

Path to the directory inside the source_branch where the index.rst and reside in.

--module-path TEXT

List of paths to all the modules the docu is being generated for


Prints full exception traceback


Show this message and exit.

Parameters for the Python class:

class exasol_sphinx_github_pages_generator.deployer.GithubPagesDeployer(source_dir: pathlib.Path, source_branch: str, source_origin: str, current_commit_id: str, module_path: list, target_branch: str, push_origin: str, push_enabled: bool, tempdir: pathlib.Path)

Builds and deploys GitHub Pages using Sphinx given a branch.

  • source_dir – Path to the directory inside the source_branch where the index.rst and reside in.

  • source_branch – The branch-name or tag the documentation files should be generated for. Will use remote branch for generation. Local unpushed changes will cause program exit or be ignored.

  • current_commit_id – CommitID of the current branch.

  • module_path – List of modules/packages in the source_branch that should be documented.

  • target_branch – Branch the documentation should be generated into.

  • push_origin – origin of the Git Repository.

  • source_origin – origin of the source branch. “origin” results in “refs/remotes/origin/source_branch”, other results in “refs/source_origin/source_branch”. Example: source_origin = tags, source_branch = tag_name result : “refs/tags/tag_name”

  • push_enabled – Bool. Set to True if generated files should be pushed to the remote, otherwise set to “commit”. If Calling from the command line, you can use the “–commit”/”–push” flags instead.

  • tempdir – Path of the temporary directory this Generator runs in.