Sphinx GitHub Pages Generator 0.1.1, released YYYY-MM-DD#
Code name: TBD
Features / Enhancements#
Bug Fixes#
#35: Fix Check the documentation build action failing because of empty tag list
#22: Fixed multiple asserts in tests
#19: Replaced logging outputs
#23: Changed Poe to Nox
#4: Added click to parse arguments and fixed CLI parameter names
#16: Changed path-like parameters from String to Path
#34: Changed “push-enabled” parameter to Bool
#41: Updated importlib_resources and Poetry in GH workflows
Removed setup.py, installation via wheel from Github or poetry env should be unaffected
ReDoS in py library CVE ID: CVE-2022-42969: The affected code is not used used by our project itself, nor by the dependencies pulling in the vulnerable library. Checked dependencies: * Nox (Code search) * Pytest (Code search + [Tracking-Issue] (https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/10392))
Dependabot alerts for GitPython, markdown-it-py, Certifi fixed
Dependabot alerts fixed with relock and Poetry updated to 1.8.0 in GitHub actions
#38: Adjusted documentation to reflect latest changes