Hosting on GitLab PagesΒΆ

You use GitLab Pages to host documentation generated by sphinx-multiversion.

Configure your projectΒΆ

Because of the way GitLab checks out a repository when running a CI task, you’ll need to whitelist remote branches in your

smv_remote_whitelist = r'^(origin)$'

If this is not specified, sphinx-multiversion will only be able to generate documentation for whitelisted tag patterns.

Create .gitlab-ci.ymlΒΆ

GitLab pages always deploys your website from a specific folder called public in your repository. To deploy to your site, GitLab pages uses its built in continuous integration tools to build your site and publish it to the GitLab server. To accomplish this, you need to create a .gitlab-ci.yml in your repository. This recipe will build your documentation, move it to a folder named public, and then create an artifact compressing this folder. Populate it as follows.

  image: python:latest
  stage: test
    - export
    - apt update -y
    - apt install -y texlive latexmk texlive-latex-extra # only necessary for pdf generation
    - pip install -r requirements.txt
    - sphinx-multiversion docs/source/ public
    - docker # may need removal depending on what available GitLab runners are tagged with
    - bash
    - branches
    - master

  image: python:latest
  stage: deploy
    - export
    - apt update -y
    - apt install -y texlive latexmk texlive-latex-extra # only necessary for pdf generation
    - pip install -r requirements.txt
    - sphinx-multiversion docs/source public
    - | # Add index.html to public root to redirect to $CI_DEFUALT_BRANCH/index.html
      cat >public/index.html << EOF
      <!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>Redirecting to $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH branch</title>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=./$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH/index.html">
            <link rel="canonical" href="$CI_PAGES_URL/$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH/index.html">
    - docker # may need removal depending on what available GitLab runners are tagged with
    - bash
      - public
    - develop

This will create two jobs. The first job will test that documentation generation will complete successfully. This will run for every branch with the exception of master. The second task will deploy the generated documents to the GitLab pages server. This task will run only on changes to the develop branch. These rules should be updated to reflect your desired behaviour. Note that this includes the addition of a dummy index.html to the root of your GitLab public directory that redirects to documentation on the $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH.

See also

A list of predefined environment variables available for use in .gitlab-ci.yml is available in the GitLab Predefined variables reference.

For deployments to, the default domain for GitLab pages websites is * Your documentation should be available at

See also

For details, please have a look at the GitLab Pages Documentation.