0.9.0 - 2024-05-08

🚨 Breaking Changes

  • CI-CD Workflow (Breaking Change)


    The CI-CD workflow now assumes the changelog to be in markdown and the location /doc/changes/change_x.y.z.md

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed _deny_filter function in exasol.toolbox._shared module

  • Fixed GitHub workflow references in ci.yml, ci-cd.ymlandpr-merge.yml` workflows

  • Fixed indent error/issue in checks.yml workflow

✨ Added

  • Added Nox Task prepare-release


    A new Nox task, prepare-release, has been introduced to streamline the release preparation process. This task automates several crucial steps:

    • Create a dedicated branch for the release changes.

    • Transfer changes from the “Unreleased” section to the appropriate versioned changelog section.

    • Update the version number to the next release.

    • Initiate a Pull Request (PR) for review and integration into the main branch.


    To prepare a release, simply execute a command in your terminal like in the example below:

    nox -s prepare-release -- 1.10.1

    Add the changes for releasing on top of the current branch:

    nox -s prepare-release -- 1.10.1 --no-pr --no-branch

    For additional options and help regarding the task prepare-release, execute:

    nox -s prepare-release -- -h 
  • Added Plugin Support for Nox Task prepare-release

    • For further details on the plugin specification, refer to exasol.toolbox.nox.plugin.

    • For an example of usage, refer to the noxconfig of the Python toolbox.

📚 Documentation

  • Fixed typos and updated documentation

🔩 Internal

  • Restructured exasol.toolbox.nox module