

The sphinx-multiversion extension is a modified copy of Holzhaus/sphinx-multiversion. This copy was taken from version 0.24.0.

It has been adjusted with minor code changes and modified defaults to work seamlessly with Exasol integration projects, which often require a specific project structure and layout. Additionally, it is designed to be used with an HTML theme that supports displaying and selecting multiple versions if the versions variable is set in the HTML context of sphinx. As of this writing, the theme used in conjunction with this modified version of sphinx-multiversion is SHIBUYA, version 2024.10.15.



A big thanks to the original author and project Jan Holthuis, as well as Samuel Dowling, as we took various patches for the plugin from his fork.

Note: Both projects are published under the BSD-2 license.


In the long term, it would be advantageous to remove unnecessary features and code that are not required for Exasol’s projects. Adding further tests would also be beneficial. However, the primary goal was to create a low-effort, stable multi-version support solution for our projects.