Sphinx GitHub Pages Generator 0.1.0, released 2022-06-15#
Code name: Initial implementation
This release provides an initial version of the Sphinx GitHub Pages Generator. It can be used to automatically build and commit or push the Sphinx-documentation of a project to a target GitHub branch. It also automatically creates an index.html file listing the created releases that can be used as an entrypoint for GithubPages.
Features / Enhancements#
#1: Moved from “https://github.com/exasol/bucketfs-utils-python”
#5: Added tests
#2: Added option to select source branch
#11: Added generation of index.html linking to all existing documentations
#20: Added GitHub Action for generating the documentation on release, added new source_origin parameter to support tags.
#24: Added entrypoint
Bug Fixes#
#12: Fixed incorrect usage of source_dir parameter
#26: Fixed missing trigger in workflow
#28: Fixed secrets in workflow not working if called via workflow call
#7 Added documentation pages
#1: Rewrote .sh script in Python