
Nox Task Plugins

Some Nox task allow for implementing custom hooks to be executed within the Nox workflow. To ensure a predictable environment, plugins should be written to handle exceptions gracefully. If a plugin encounters a critical situation where it cannot continue execution, it should call the error method on the session object, effectively halting the execution process. This action may have a widespread impact by forcibly stopping execution, potentially affecting other plugins and code paths.


Doing a hard exit using session.error should be an measure of last resort.


Even though the plugin mechanism utilizes pluggy under the hood, it does not currently support all scenarios and features with which one may be familiar from pytest, or other tools and frameworks based on pluggy. Nevertheless, a look at pluggy’s documentation can definitely enhance understanding of the hook mechanism.

Implementing Plugins

To create a Nox plugin, the hooksimpl decorator must be imported from the Nox plugin infrastructure:

from exasol.toolbox.nox.plugin import hookimpl

You can then define a class with methods decorated with @hookimpl to specify the hooks that the plugin implements. The class should be instantiable without any arguments, however, you may include class attributes and provide alternative means for customization.

Here is an example plugin that updates templates as part of release preparation:

from exasol.toolbox.nox.plugin import hookimpl

class UpdateTemplates:

    def __init__(self):
        self.workflows = [...]

    def prepare_release_update_version(self, session, config, version):
        for workflow in self.workflows:
            self.update_workflow(workflow, version)

    def prepare_release_add_files(self, session, config):
        return self.workflows

    def update_workflow(self, workflow, version):
        # update the workflow with the new version


The above update_workflow method is a non-hook utility method within the class.

Plugin Registration

Once the plugin class has been defined, it must be registered in the Nox configuration. This is done by adding the class to the plugins list within the Config data class.

In the Nox Config data class, you should amend the plugins list to include the new plugin:

class Config:
    """Project-specific configuration used by Nox infrastructure."""
    # ... other configuration attributes ...

    plugins = [UpdateTemplates]  # register the plugin

When Nox runs, it will instantiate UpdateTemplates with no arguments and integrate the hooks defined by the plugin into the execution lifecycle. All registered plugins’ hooks are called at their designated points in the Nox workflow.

Always remember to follow the plugin development guidelines to ensure that your plugin is robust and integrates well with Nox and other potential plugins.