

Add diagram configuration and tasks ( + + exasol.toolbox)

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/python-toolbox/python-toolbox/doc/design.rst, line 151.)


Add diagram of github workflows and interaction

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/python-toolbox/python-toolbox/doc/design.rst, line 182.)


Add additional details to the security.Issue type

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/python-toolbox/python-toolbox/doc/github_actions/security_issues.rst, line 107.)


Consider adapting common CVE report format as input, for additional details see here.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/python-toolbox/python-toolbox/doc/github_actions/security_issues.rst, line 112.)

  • Add commit hooks (version check etc.) for the toolbox itself

  • Doc(s) tasks
    • Add documentation on how to setup the development environment

    • Add/Finish multiversion documentation support

    • Cleanup multiversion documentation

  • Add pre commit hook config
    • document how to install commit hooks

  • Add common/exasol specific pre_commit_hooks
  • Add generators for repetitive tasks
    • Add generator for preparing adding tool configuration(s)

    • Add .pre-commit-config.yaml generator

    • Add workflow generator

    • Add issue template generator

    • Add pr template generator

    • Add changelog.d template generator

  • Toolbox helper
    • update and/or generated config, workflows, etc.

  • Convert Todo’s list into issue(s)