0.12.0 - 2024-05-17

🐞 Fixed

  • Added missing artifact uploads to checks.yml

✨ Added

  • Added Support for Argument Forwarding to Test-Related Nox Tasks

    Overview: With this new feature, it is now possible to forward additional arguments to the application (pytest) that executes the tests.

    For example this feature now allows for easy execution of a subset of tests using pytest’s -k expression selection or -m marker selection (see usage examples below).

    The forwarding will work for the following Nox tasks:

    • unit-tests

    • integration-tests

    • coverage


    To prepare a release, simply execute a command in your terminal as shown in the examples below:

    Filter tests based on pytest markers:

    nox -s unit-tests -- -m fast 

    Filter tests based on pytest expressions:

    nox -s unit-tests -- -k smoke_test