🐞 Bug¢


name: 🐞 Bug Report 
about: File a bug report 
title: 🐞 <Insert Title> 
labels: bug
assignees: ''


### Checklist
In order to improve the time, how long a bugfix does take, please make sure you address as much as possible of the following checklist.

- [ ] I have reproduced the issue with at least the latest released version of \<PROJECT-NAME\>.
- [ ] I have added references to issues that sound similar.

**Tip: Adding screenshots, outputs and logs help to improve clarity.**

# Summary
Describe the bug: A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

## Reproducing the Issue

Reproducibility: <pick one of> sporadic, regularly, always
Describe how to reproduce the bug, e.g.:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
### Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. <step 1> 
2. <step 2>
3. ....

## Expected Behaviour
Describe the expected behaviour: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

## Actual Behaviour
Describe the actual observed behaviour: A clear and concise description of what you actually to happen.
Screenshot: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

## Root Cause (optional)
If known

## Context
Describe the actual observed behaviour: A clear and concise description of what you observed.
Screenshot: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

### System
Describe the system and the used configuration.
 - OS: [e.g. Linux (Fedora 35), Linux (Ubuntu 20.01), MacOs (...), Windows (...)]
 - Python Version [e.g. Python 3.8.0]
 - Package Version [e.g. 22]

### Additional Context (optional)
Add any additional context about the problem here.

#### Related Issues (optional)
Link related issues form the issue tracker here.