👤 User Guide ============== Bucketfs -------- Depending on the database configuration, the bucketfs setup can range from straight forward to fairly complex. This is due to the fact that: * Each database can have one or more BucketFS services (in the On-Prem database) * Each BucketFS service is available on all worker cluster of a database * Each BucketFS service runs on all data nodes of a database * Each BucketFS service can have one or more Buckets (in the On-Prem database) * Each Bucket can hold one or more files The overview bellow tries to illustrate this in a more tangible manner. For more details on bucketfs, please also have a look in the `bucketfs section`_ of the `database documentation`_. .. image:: ../_static/bucketfs.png :alt: BucketFS Overview Quickstart ---------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/quickstart.py :language: python3 Follow Up --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 basics advanced upload_github_release_to_bucket .. _bucketfs section: https://docs.exasol.com/db/latest/database_concepts/bucketfs/bucketfs.htm .. _database documentation: https://docs.exasol.com/db/latest/home.htm